"If you don't know me by now, you will never, never, never know me."
They are pretty cool lyrics to a song that many will immediately respond to and recognise actual behaviour. Though now, this is not a conversation about a love song or dissecting lyrics as much as it is simply a thought-provoking line to be considered of character.
My process is like a spontaneous combustion of thought brought into submission and investigated. Like a flash of insight as words to a long-forgotten song ignite inspiration. Rather than making this complicated, allow me the opportunity to express.
Above and beyond the masks people hide behind, or the camouflage they might expertly acquire, there is a distinction within the pattern that quite irrevocably will confirm, a behaviour never lies. What lies beneath the surface is always the truth; hence, if you don't know me by now.
One trustworthy, loyal, dependable, consistent, kind, and understanding walks alongside liars, thieves, unaccountable, inconsistent, disloyal, manipulative and disrespectful. If you live in a community, you will experience the contrast and conflict of human existence. Likewise, the mental capacity of misery will create a war within.
The character had such a robust and deep-set foundation it is only patterns of behaviour that do the revealing.
There is something grand about knowing your worth and standing on a foundation of truth. A representative of good character had always been a choice. Walking in the integrity of understanding and loyalty thrives in the environment of complexity as the foundation set in stone is immovable. Yet opposition to the truth creates deceptive counterfeits that, under duress, will only digress and, in the end, reveal the truth; behaviour never lies.
As curious counterparts of society, we are all involved in discrepancies. What sets you apart from your adversary? Do you know what is most valuable, what is a no brainer as never to cross over? Are you showing up today with the appropriate applications to entrust stability and consistency? Has your integrity earned a place of character decider? Are you living to the beat of another drum compromised in a sticky web, or are you standing on an immovable foundation that allows for growth and development?
There is no joy for the one who is undercover; as much as it is possible to bear, in the end, is always a great price!
A mindset tuned to optimise the irrational contradictions will only aim to revitalise the senses to be present - an acknowledgement of now brings clarity to smokescreens.
Your mindfulness momentum is integral to wellbeing. You are advocating strong foundations for truth and happiness. Character assassination has been around for millennia, as has your ability to choose.
Make a direct path, clear the way to your destiny with authenticity. Remove the erroneous limitations to your ultimate expectation. What possibly hardest thing to do for you may very well bring you the best of both worlds as now there is no more conflict, in contrast, strengthening your soul through experience.
Relax4now, Dream Big!
Inspire Optimize Revitalize