Outrageous, extraordinary and exciting!
Some will go to great lengths to feel alive, yet after all the advancement into unknown risks, is left defeated. A cruel expectation hovers like an enticingly mesmerising experience awaiting approval.
Remove everything believed to bring about changes and the glue that keeps you together and find the truth. At the core of our existence is the need for acceptance, belongingness, and understanding. Along life's journey, many will experience the experiment of crossing boundaries and jumping through hoops to be seen and heard. Yet, to say what is honestly required, to be realistic and authentic to each other, has gone from a trickle of excellence to a torrent of foreboding misinformation that snares—trapped in a world of make-believe where reality becomes too painful to accept.
It's okay not to be okay, and when that reality is at the fore, you can turn on the light and let it shine in the shadows of your life. How is that possible? Let's find out.
Acceptance begins with harmonious Intentions readily entrusted to your initiative. Intrinsic values are deeply embedded and are naturally at the surface, readily available for immediate activation. Yet, continuous ignorance had been desegregated to resemble a micro-managed antagonism—something to ignore, shut down or bypass, leaving behind an inferior version of true potential.
As with anything not authenticated, the default will eventually be recognised. Either for reconciliation to true potentiality or regress farther from realities.
Who you are now is the result of all your yesterdays, assisting in attaining insight into your potential. Every aspect of our existence, every excellent or dumb decision we make, either adds or removes our ability to choose wisely. Our choices are the total of our thoughts, feelings, and actions; we respond in kind. Could we indeed process our responses without effort and allow the adjustment to change initiative?
It's time to discover.
Imagine the consequences if you ran a red light. Okay, some have dared and achieved, yet ordinarily, only spontaneously to advance profound implications. Life is far too precious to ignore warnings or foolishly run a red light to heighten outcomes. Why allow circumstances to rule and dictate your behaviour when you can access the power source for optimal changes? The kind that appreciates, values, respects and reflects for inspiring authentication. Your true North.
What you decide now in thought must be achieved. So how important is our internal navigation system to our day-to-day life? It is crucial to have genuine respect for ourselves to choose thoughts that heal, not harm. As our mindfulness momentum activates, we are encouraging inspirations to flow autonomously. Our innermost love potential thrives in an environment of truth and faith. Indeed, all possibility is available for your immediate attention. Not to determine the why or how, only to relax in the comfort of embracing a quick pause, causing effective communication as cognition alters perception, revealing reality.
Stop, look and listen as your radar searches for the light for total awareness.
Information arrives spontaneously as timely appropriations make way for advancement. Moving forward to your actual destination begins when you choose to truly listen to what's calling your attention. Now you decide to go ahead confidently with sincerity, acknowledging with gratitude as thankfulness readily can sift and sort quickly. An attitude change enlivens dead and forgotten honour codes. Like a resurrection of all the most tremendous potential, strength, courage, and faith are available for immediate use.
You are no longer trapped, immobilised or deceived by a lie that you are stuck in limbo, forever imprisoned by your feelings. Your conscious, deliberate takedown of negative, soul-destroying destructive patterns can be effective immediately.
As simple and profound as innocent as possible is your attention to detail. Taking responsibility begins in your mind. Like a true master of attributes, you empower every opportunity ignited by gratitude, thankfulness and trust to flow through in spontaneous inspiration for growth and development. Leaving behind and allowing to dissolve every destructiveness, naturally swallowed up by hope and faith, surpassing understanding and inviting new life to invigorate and revitalise your being.
Every Thought is a choice to be acknowledged or ignored, and every soul deserves an opportunity to thrive.
Relax4now, Dream Big!