When you come to realize that all things are possible for those who ask, you can enter a place where determination leads. Are you living a meaningful life?
Sometimes you must learn to view your present situation with new eyes, with a fresh understanding.
Developing the skills to tap into your most incredible resource requires discipline, perseverance, and persistence. Without practice and sound judgment, you will invite the beginning of delusion. If you don't like your life's direction, then take your mediocre life and change direction.
Challenge yourself to become an optimal thinker by choosing thoughts and actions that inspire you to live a life of excellence.
Breaking through the strongholds that have kept you where you do not belong begins with the renewing of your mind. Arguing with yourself is of no benefit, more-so a hindrance to your best outcomes. Believing is an absolute certainty for change.
You must continually learn to ask yourself the best questions.
Who am I around?
What are they doing to me?
What have they got me reading?
What have they got me saying?
What do they have me thinking?
And most important, what do they have me becoming?
Then ask yourself the big question, IS THAT OKAY?
Your life does not always get better by chance; it gets better by change.
Think of an instrument; if an old violin were old, beaten, worn, now would be regarded as unworthy of any attention. However, a person of skill will pick it up, and in the hands of a master, will create sweet music. Designed to be tuned by the master creator of your life, no matter your condition. 'It is for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject to a yolk of slavery." - Galatians 1:5
When you take authority over your thinking, you are the master of your mind—be transformed by renewing your mind, choosing thoughts that promote wellbeing as you create sweet music!
Honestly, there is no better time than the present to be still; for Every Thought, My Choice is your prompt decision to relax and pay attention to how you think.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!