With knowledge comes responsibility; what do you choose to believe. Every Thought My Choice is about being transformed by renewing your mind and discovering optimal ways of living a life of excellence. When you stay curious and find insightful ways to improve your life, promoting learning for life, you will revitalize your soul for purpose.
Your well-being is always a priority. Mindfulness invites an unlimited opportunity for purposeful living, cognitive awareness, where sight, sound, taste, touch and smell collaborate with intuition. Recognition of self-awareness to the world and a deeper connection to the source of existence.
A positive outlook prioritised and meaningful family connections built on a foundation of love and forgiveness is where souls thrive and optimize mental health and wellness. Where you can relax, dream big and move forward with hope.
There is a beating drum calling all people to succumb: one and all the same, no more to blame.
Get in line - the overwhelm is taking over, creating mediocre as normality with chaos a formality.
Fill In The Questionnaire, tick the boxes.
The list is endless a minefield of confusion, for ultimate delusion.
Multitudes diagnosed as depressed, let's begin with that and continue with a rainbow of discovery to lead you into deprivation of liberty. Follow the crowd do not think.
It sounds absurd, yet this fraudulent activity is crawling into routines creating a fear mentality. Use your instincts.
We have a name for this and a name for that. What we don't know, we will formulate, and we will quickly persuade you. Uptight out of sight, do not question please comply. Come with me, look at all this pleasantly. Fadeaway your thinking mind, mindlessly oblivious. Isn't everyone some time or another? Here you go take two of these you'll be crazier in no time, a little more lonely, sadder, more confused, paranoid, fearful and anxious than your norm. Come back again we will change up your life-changing treatment to increase your awareness or increase your dose, it is trial and error, let's play with our power and your weakness as we ingest poisonous treatment. We are here to help you as we diagnose - creating new names to add to your burdening foe. If we succeed, suicide will be our destiny. For now, we will keep you on the tipping edge because that is where we do our best. We will manipulate and advertise and beautifully package our disguise in caring and groups of like-minded souls gathering for resolve. We will parade experts and data with statistics untold and leave you in fear so we can predict the next step. We will make you need us more than breathing as we keep you on a merry go round, we are deceiving the masses, trading favours, distributing, marketing life-altering drugs legally as necessary, collaboration with the mainstream liaison. Why so easily deceived. Separated family, made enemies of the state, take away rights and confiscate.
Disturbing, troublesome, frightening is only the tipping point of this madness. Who can you trust? Time to wise up.
This deception is widespread for altered states of consciousness to remove the ability to decide. A slave to sin, as obsession increases. Introduced from birth to death there is a fragmented world of discrimination interfering with humanisation. Rejection of God as pure consciousness is replaced in the introduction to hallucination for deliberate manipulation.
Too Much? Sounds too sad; A reality check is necessary. Let us look up a moment and rearrange our attitude, turn up the gratitude. Create a meaningful connection to your intention will reveal the opportunity to take responsibility and form a strong foundation. We have an obligation; we are capable of directing our path toward a hopeful and inspirational outcome.
There is always going to be a cause that fuels our fire for immediate attention. There will be causes you run toward and others you run away from. However, the most significant victory is attending to the cause of your ability to live and love and learn and be the change in history. Taking care of yourself at every level begins now.
Reach out to those you love. Do not comply with a victim mentality, choose life more abundantly.
It's good to be alive, to breathe, to think, to feel, to love and learn and make a difference. To give and to receive, to understand and to discover, to adventure in this unfolding mystery of your history.
It is our integrity to comprehend.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!