If you want to find your enthusiasm, all it takes is being present. Probably too evident for anyone who likes to take things with an ounce of complication. You can bring everything back to being in this very moment, and it doesn't get much more straightforward.
Overwhelmed with tasks or current circumstances can rob you of a memorable day. All that matters is what you are doing now, and that is spending valuable time with me as you read my musings for optimizing your day. Thank you.
Thinking about yesterday, last night, or just before is of no concern when you are present. Nor is the next hour, week, month, or year. As all you have absolute control over is how you are responding to now.
Let us explore; if you have been right-handed all your life, and I suggested that you will massively increase your ability if you begin now only to use your left hand, what would you think?
At first, it would be difficult as you are not used to the change. However, over time the practice will bring the results anticipated, effortless flow. I am not asking you to change hands, although the fun of it amazes me, as the brain responds when we use that which has laid dormant. Up for some fun! Activate some neurons for your benefit.
Sometimes you can be fixated on your unemployment or inability to contact someone dear to you, frustration from perceived ideals not happening. Any number of things can project our thinking or keep us in the past.
Learning to notice what is now is of utmost importance. If you are at work and in the middle of a job, stay focused on the task. When communicating, be very present in the conversation, if in person, make eye contact. If things haven't gone your way, observe what is around you: sun streaming through a window, color in a painting, the sound of rain - the scent of food or flowers, the sounds of birds or traffic, voices or laughter.
Repeat - if you are not used to the practice, in the beginning, it would seem unusual, maybe even a little uncomfortable. Yet, being mindful that life pressures can sometimes drain your enthusiasm will allow you to notice now. It would help if you grasped the fact that a lot of things are out of your control. That you do not have the power to override others' thoughts and actions, yet you do have a tremendous capacity to be present by choice. One of the remarkable outcomes of being present reveals is the beginning of slowing down your need for speed. In other words, you have an immediate response internally to relax, therefore allowing space to participate without encumbrance actively. Here is where you are more susceptible to being guided by a more profound intuitive response otherwise missed while rushing. You will notice more highlights, more praise, and much more gratitude expressed, as what is going on inside you is extraordinary. There are so many unseens transpiring, magnificent wonderworking responses activating change every time we choose to think and properly use our brain.
Be thrilled with your ability to realize your most significant potential (now, are you ambidextrous?).
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!