Deciding at the very beginning to give your very best is a strategy that gives you the stamina to accelerate and finish strong. Can you afford to risk the avalanche of unsuspecting internal dialogue that could disable your momentum? a consequence of ignoring the best choice before you begin anything significant.
Predetermined and anticipating distractions causing a conflict of interest will give you maximum advantage. Optimal thinkers do create outstanding results! If you want to get the most out of any experience, it is worth your attention to activate a positive mindset toward your expected outcome.
As every choice you make today and every day will either work for you or against you.
The amount of time you spend on right thinking will be the outward results that prevail. When you become gripped with fear, it is the direct result of your anxiety and worries, being real or imagined, taking all your attention. Whereas choosing to take control of your thoughts by only giving heed to the right thinking will bring you back on track.
Everyone would ultimately love to have success follow them when they set out to achieve any goal. As the outcome of sweet victory is something worth savoring. So next time you plan anything worthy of your attention, please do yourself a massive favor and put your very best self forward. Focused on using all you have to give the best you've got. Taking your eyes off others and keep your eyes above, not beneath, being distracted by circumstance is a choice of responsibility.
Although an optimal thinker will exuberate energy and vitality that will permeate their surroundings, we cannot control things around us.
Choose to be a giver of life and express your greatness in everything you do, and receive what you believe - optimal results! "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me," "it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me."
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!