Maybe you're not navigating the rapids as you follow the river to still waters, although it can feel that way to put into practice what you know. Responsibility works in unity with accountability, making our optimal choice to recover from any setback.
So varied the comprehension of circumstance, leaving you in two minds. To always return to your moral compass and know why you believe what you believe to be true is the key.
It does not matter what others are doing or how they are doing it; if it does not fit your moral compass, it is not worth it.
Working on yourself and improving your own life will always leave an impression on those around you. Precisely the same way as doing nothing with your life and trying to change those around you leaves an impression. The question today is, what is it that you impress upon your circle of influence?
You may have heard the expression "be the change you want to see in others." A slogan read on a t-shirt, or the trigger for some to live. It will always bring you back to your current position.
Recognize exactly where you are, what is required, and make necessary adjustments.
We cannot change our past, and we can not change the fact that people act in a certain way; we can not change the inevitable. However, the one thing we always have available, and can always use, is our attitude.
Perceive your surroundings, by your exposure to distractions and disturbances, with some more intrusive than others; Unexpected walls may appear (Like jutting boulders in the rapids). Hindering your progress or giving you enough shock to assert your position and continue moving forward.
It isn't pleasant to encounter, although if you are seeking change, you will respond adequately.
To live an enjoyable and abundant life without regret begins with the power of perception. Taking action, like a master navigating the rapids on the river of life - your ability to take responsibility creates momentum! - leading you to still waters.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!