There is so much going on behind the scenes, more than you can ever anticipate in your human reasoning. When in comparison, the unseen untold riches of authority, revealing, all-consuming truth always at work - whether you choose to believe it or not.
To accurately handle the Word of God, amply applying the incredible principles in your life will enhance your process, regardless of circumstance. For God so loved the world, the good, the bad, the ugly heart of reason, Jesus Christ died for everyone - the unbeliever, the reprobate delinquent were all so loved, making an available divine connection for wholeness, to all. One way, one decision, and one outstanding result.
Make a path in the darkness as you step away from the corruption that insights accusation and promotes lying, cheating, and manifest arrogance. Step into humility as the light of goodness, grace, and the truth will always reveal solutions regardless of chaos infiltrating consciousness.
'There is much to do about, empty' perishable, constant implacable (advance of the enemy), taking a person further from their best life. Falling into the deception of self-induced misery arrives from internal dialogue not being acknowledged from the source it originated.
Your voice, for a reason, comes from peace, calm, and overall subjection to a far greater authority belonging to all humanity should you decide to accept. In the same, we are all subject to a charge in some capacity from our birth unto death. What happens in between is subject to our experiences, intake, output, and receptive habits that implement the outcome initiative.
We are truly blessed, and so much available for us to determine. Ours is the freedom unlocked in the realms of uncertainty, with a mindset for the possibility and not withheld with chains of mediocrity deliberately keeping a victim mentality. You are more than a conqueror; you are more than circumstance; you can be a vessel for honor and glory. It is where life can take a complete turnaround, rather than 360 degrees, you do a 180-degree turn, and everything changes.
Changing the way you think about things, seeking first to understand, releases exceptional outcomes that were available from a divine viewpoint, outlasting, overtaking, and concluding a most valuable asset by far exceeding the limitation of man's interpretation of a flawed and limited plan.
Trust requires vulnerability, extracting authenticity for complete accountability, elevating all involved to embrace a deeper understanding. Therefore, commitment to excellence comes with far-reaching consequences of attributed goodness, grace, mercy, and truth through The Lord Jesus Christ.
Building a stronger foundation, far more prepared, no more powerless as persistent in possibility creates unity for everlasting glory.
Sometimes it's just important to be reminded how much you are loved and what is available when you put to task the inconceivable perception of humanity and embrace by faith as a means to an incredible end.
If you've gone full circle, doing the same dance over and over without growth or clarity, it is never too late to change the way you think.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!