Simplicity is your plain and straightforward go-to when everything is too much.
Now is an excellent time to embrace understandable and straightforward concepts for utilising the best means.
It doesn't make sense to keep looking for more when less is available for unique opportunities.
Many face challenges that may feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. However, there are many beautiful examples where simplicity created a personal advantage.
You've heard of the saying, "less is more", a phrase exceptionally appropriate for all of us, especially when it comes to our daily life. Less complaining, more giving of thanks. Our first simple approach to our day begins and ends with gratitude. Most overlooked is this one powerful optimal choice yet, in all situations.
We can not change what happens around us or to us. However, we can choose our attitude to strengthen our character virtue.
Surrounded by abundance in mind, body, and spirit is in the eye of the beholder - each has its interpretation of acceptance.
However, times are tough for many as people try and make ends meet. Therefore, our encouragement and conversations have the most meaningful approach to " the simple things in life" and are often the best.
Take time to consider the value of the overlooked in your circle of influence.
Make a mental note of the meaning that created energy for an extended time.
Transformed is the simplicity of Jesus Christ in you, the hope of glory. Revitalised.
It does away with the massive to-do list of must be and have and should, to a simple acceptance, belonging to the Creator of the Universe where the complexity of life had broken down into bite-size pieces for digestion. It is the simple act of belief by faith, as you answer the call to the all-knowing "I Am", possible to understand.
Embraced for the impact of severity is the stability, strength and resilience of simple faith made empowering by the Cross of Christ.
When push comes to shove, no one can make life more complicated than you. Take charge with mindfulness momentum and establish responsibility as a vital choice for optimal living. Keep simple the attitude of a gracious spirit and receive the magnitude of the most important.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.