Appreciate where you are now and capture the inspiration that arrives suddenly.
Even though you may have been time-wasting, did you know that a lull or a lag in your day or week could be the boost you require? How easily an abrupt shift can create an atmosphere of alertness and pull you into an environment for a re-charge is fantastic. So, no need to worry about what might happen next as now is way too attractive to be ignored. I talk a lot about Mindfulness Momentum, and even this subject will enhance your understanding of the same. Our individual experience is a synergistic display of our movement.
Knowing your ebb and flow will begin the calm assurance of peace and contentment. When you switch the light off and exit a room or shut the door of one space to move into another, there is an air of subtle closure to what was just before. Likewise, our shifting sands create for us the context necessary for optimal growth and development. Without which sameness can lead to stagnation.
Appreciation, therefore, respects all elements of our living. Consider it the "up close and personal" front-row seat to a magnificent drama. You may be on the edge of your seat in anticipation of what's coming or reclining as you take in the whole picture for clarity. At times, you are entirely lost in the story as time passes effortlessly. Otherwise, the drama was unfolding so painfully slow you almost lost interest until, suddenly, the very unexpected was the inspiration that got you captivated.
Where does that leave you? Time to pause, and everything is as it should be in the perfect possible position to relax. Maybe incidental or maybe an extraordinary shift in mindset will invigorate your senses.
We do not need a looking glass for clarity when presence always enlightens us, prepares us, and inspires us to live.
There is only one you, and no one else knows how you know yourself. Including how you can respond to wasted, planned, and unpredicted time is vital for your overall wellbeing. Healthy respect in all areas of life makes even the challenging days a time of thankfulness. When you release the pressure valve of expectancy, all left is the overflow of beauty for revitalization.