Trying to be everywhere at once is not going to happen. Becoming a people pleaser only intensifies your angst. Over-commitment, unrealistic expectations, extreme urgency, and procrastination join forces when you deny yourself the opportunity to act upon creating the life balance you desire.
We have all had encounters that are similar, exact, or in full view. Whether it is personal or indirect, the effect is an unpleasant encounter that lingers and penetrates all areas of your life.
How incredibly different would your outcomes be at the end of the day, month, or year if you made a conscious decision to change a few things?
Over-commitment becomes commitment - you decide to finish what you start (before the next project). Unrealistic expectations become realistic possibilities - your timeline is achievable and open for acceleration.
Extreme urgency becomes urgency - do it now is not an option. Procrastination becomes progressive action - moving forward always in specific, measurable steps. "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord, rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." Colossians 3:23
We all enjoy the feeling of contentment where simplicity arrives when diligence perceives 'life-balance.' Applying what you know to one area of your habits can have a massive impact that will generate overflow to where you need it most.
By slowing down your thoughts and making reasonable consideration of your circumstance, it is possible to balance the scales of inconsistency.
Relaxed, revitalized, and rejuvenated are worthy of our persistence to attain, not a state of being excluded from your reach. However, it is something that most take for granted without realization of personal involvement to implement change.
The desirable occurrence when the experience will ignite a passion for continued results. Therefore, without delay, create the life balance you desire.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!