It looks like you could use a little ingenuity for optimizing your day.
Uninterrupted sleep is blissful, enhancing your wellbeing, Likewise, interrupted irrational thinking can also create happy outcomes for vitality, promoting your wellbeing for excellence.
Conditional thinking generates an expected reaction for the following. Whereas unconditional review, without bias, establishes a thriving environment for revitalization.
Saying No to nonsense is as vital and effortless as halting at the first flashing red signal for safety reasons.
You wouldn't dream of running a red alert as the risk of harm to self and others escalates. Yet, in much the same way, many continue running red lights in their daily thinking.
Saying No is like putting the breaks on at red traffic lights, mindfully able to access your environment, evaluate your position, being alert and focused, ready to move forward in security. Like added insurance for ultimate wellbeing is a mindset able to relax and think clearly.
Disturbed or distracted is a compromise to rationality and immediately exposes the weakness for vulnerability.
A runaway car without a driver would cause untold devastation and long-term consequence.
Just as runaway thoughts unchecked and left to wreak havoc freely will steal your time, your prized rationale and aptitude for living a life of excellence.
When you take up learning for life, you will invigorate your wellbeing as every thought, feeling, and action inspired for purpose.
How you start, and finish makes operating in integrity as you give sincere attention where it matters. Optimal joy is providing moments of decision as exhilarating as the halt to a near-miss collision.
You can dramatically avoid and minimize the impact of irrational thinking when you are calm, relaxed, and concentrated upon the lovely.
There is more than enough harm in the environment without participating through neglect. Add life to your years and years to your life, activate change with the flick of a switch as you change the way you choose to think.
Every Thought My Choice encourages an active participant to be ready to rumble! A blastoff in the right direction as optimal thinkers create outstanding results. Let your following NO to nonsense invite an affirmative response for growth as there is always room for improvement.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!