Are you getting the results you desire? After initiating a plan in your mind or on paper? Did you achieve what you set out to reach? These are the direct result of the commitment of time and effort given for each task or project, evident to everyone. Inclusive of necessary adjustments made along the way, out of your control or happenstance. Our daily decisions are never just about us; there's always extending, affecting another.
Complaining about your position and suffering the consequences of your own negative volition toward your intention is your fault. Too harsh?
Ignoring your plan of action will give you results, although not the results you hoped. Your intention is very much dependent on one thing, and that's your attitude. Your ability to deliver every time depends upon taking the initiative on a consistent daily basis, which you have not been doing - knowledge is inclusive of balance. Knowing when to pause, rest, or stop, detour, reverse, evaluate, reflect, adjust, move forward.
To continue on this path without direction and foundational truth will be detrimental to your future. If you are not getting the results you desire, it is time to wake up and see things as they are.
Please, be completely honest with yourself, without shifting blame to others or circumstance. Every result you are getting in your life today is a reflection of your self-esteem. An outward demonstration to the world, what you believe at a deeper level, and what you are capable of delivering.
Everyone has the capacity for change; whether you choose to accept the challenge is entirely up to you. Taking responsibility for your own life, your feelings, and your action is an optimal choice that will empower you.
Letting go of past behaviors, learning to match your thinking with your actions is a goal worthy of your time.
How many times have you made an exasperated statement for action without considering the commitment? Unless you have a plan that works and you work with, you will keep falling into the same old trap—negative thinking, behavior that does not line up with what you say, and much-unfinished business.
With more than enough time to control the beast of burden and showcase your talents, living each day as if it is your last, making the most and best of what is, creating an environment for growth. Not to be so arrogant or presumptuous to believe you have so much control over every area of your life. However, you can be accountable; within possibility, deliver what you said you would provide when it is in your power to do so. Are you in a better place, physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, personally? Are you where you want to be? Whatever the answer, where you are right now, optimizing your choices for possibility. Shining a torch on your reality and ready to make progress for purpose.
Choose Every Thought My Choice as your opportunity to stay curious, start now, and live an extraordinary life! Together or apart, we are all journeying together, one foot in front of the other. Failed attempts become our feedback, creating inspiration as we sit, stand, or walk, making clear our intention. In all our complexity, we are in a privileged position to let go of doubt, reach out as we grow, and learn from one another.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!