Is the time spent with the ones you love a sweet communion of souls (harmony, meaningful connection), or does it resemble a tipping point of deception? Spilling out of stress comes a cacophony of crushing interactions.
"See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell."-James 3:6
Are you Guilty as charged! Reconcile heart-mind forgiveness compassionate response to all who are lost and need a return to a relaxed mental attitude of gratitude.
The emotional tipping point is a massive warning. A balanced life is a calling. An unhealthy vibe of the most life-sucking, draining, physically exhausting kind, the motherload of complaining can leave the recipient needing long-term recovery. This inclusive contract begins with an internal dialogue that creates external scenarios. Are you overdue to change the way you think?
Just because we can, doesn't mean we should, as all the time spent wasting is projecting toxic fuel.
So how do you inject fuel for thought and life-giving vibrancy? And where do you dump the cacophony?
There's a glorious interceding awaiting intimacy, for your conversing, releasing your chains, and liberating you to receive. Whether out loud or in your mind or journaling is expressed with faith by prayer.
It's a mindful obligation to check in with ourselves to know what our intention is. Weigh the balance before you reach your tipping point, the forefront of possibility. Choose to think before you speak. Every Thought My Choice starts within. Consider thoughtfully a more integral opportunity to live intentionally with enthusiasm.
Now you have a clearer view, irrelevant whether giver or receiver, all have responsibility.
To make the most of all that matters is to think of what matters most. Hurt people, hurt people, therein is a clue. You're opening the door to invite love that conquers all-Agape love, the unconditional injected from a foundational truth.
Using time wisely is a priceless provocation for optimizing relationships. Between sharing and caring is a space for responding were right thinking or understanding magnified for the ultimate conclusion: living, loving, and learning to maximize synergy. Therefore a prosperous flow of life lessons broadens horizons with hope and faith bring unity. Now there is moving forward, creating momentum for ultimate growth.
So when you are with the ones you love, choose Every Thought My Choice as a view to harmony.
It is up to you to investigate and seek first to understand and then be understood stood for these options affirm the validity of optimal results. Is there much left besides how you use your time and how you choose to think?
If you only had one opportunity to communicate, would it be in humility in harmony in honorable
Intent so that the umbrella of happiness extends?
Gracious is the privilege of genuine understanding, complete with a personal sense of destiny.
Choose wisdom, bypass the ultra coolness of know it, and humbly agree there is a higher power, meaning one plus one equals three.
Today will be receiving a new way of believing, and everything changes. ❤
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!