Have you noticed recently in your day to day activity how much you are influenced by what is around you?
It is an instantaneous reaction when a crowd roars after witnessing the goal kick that puts their team in front. Zealous enthusiasm of a sales rep who effortlessly reels a prospective buyer, bam! Sale. Not too different from the adrenaline that peaks when we choose to act on our influence - closer to home, experiencing the interaction that creates synergy or introduces chaos.
A mother can change the atmosphere in her home environment as much as a business executive can in a workplace.
How you would like people to respond to you is a direct result of your thoughts. Behavior never lies; therefore, we accept the realization of the importance of our thoughts. Naturally, we are not in control of other people, yet our attitude influences our response and separates us from the deferred reactive.
Recognizing the importance of what you think about will impact others positively or negatively.
You are becoming regenerated when you choose to see the best in every situation (the knowing that there is always something greater at work within each one of us). Smiling Big when others don't as you consciously change your thinking pattern matching your actions. We have all responded to the big warm smile from a stranger; it is contagious. Like negative influence can poison a whole family, business environment, or sports team unless you learn to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
When you have mastered how you think about things, you can establish a strong foundation that services you well.
Decisions you made fast, or decisions you make slow; if you want results, decide now and choose joy!
Choose happy thoughts! Choose to smile big!
Yes, the results are quick when you decide to be happy. So simple, it can seem shocking to some, there is choice activated like flicking a switch with a learned attitude of gratitude.
Although you may have become conditioned to, 'it can't be that simple' kind of thinking. Every Thought My Choice is inviting to live an extraordinary life, less manipulated from negative external or internal influences as simplicity happens graciously introducing calm assurance. "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken." - Proverbs 15:13 Today I choose joy, will you?
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!
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