One rotten piece of fruit in the basket does not warrant the rest as void.
One bruised and moldy piece of fruit does not determine the tree's strength from which it fell.
One worm implanted, resident in one orange will not automatically discriminate all the fruit.
Your identity is not limited to one incident, of character assassination through a dumb decision, and your faith will not hinder by the worm determined to take residence in your thinking.
Faith is Alive. Faith IS alive. FAITH IS ALIVE!
Can you now see the whole basket of fruit?
Beautiful, ripe, ready for consumption to be enjoyed for the most outstanding nutritional value is choice fruit.
Every Thought My Choice discards rotten, moldy fruit to concentrate on the whole.
The bruised fruit belonging to the worm that is feasting, decaying, and destroying can be discarding.
Now is available optimal, choice fruit for healing, nourishment, and living.
Healthy wellbeing can manifest in the consumption of fresh fruit (the mind, will, and emotions) activated by faith, penetrating the cellular level, adding value and lasting benefit through right thinking.
The most vital information exists when you immediately remove the compromised decomposed fruit before it begins the spread and contaminates the contained fruit in the basket.
Once observed if left behind will quickly infect the good that is.
Your mind is a powerhouse of possibility, willingly responsive to your every command. Focusing on the rotten fruit is like a worm eating away all the good, undetected at first but noticeable at first bite. The offensive bitterness can potentially steal your ability to enjoy the good as rottenness extends to the bones.
Once you concentrate your efforts and focus on whatever is pure and lovely, truthful and genuine, credible, reliable, and responsible for sustainability - you will live fully alive. Refreshed for purpose, with the capacity to enjoy fruit for faith, open to receive, accept, obtain all necessary for mental clarity, awareness, and energized for the incentive of moving forward with hope in your heart.
To unpack this basket and get a deeper understanding of this analogy's magnitude, you must stand back and see the fruit for what it is and for what purpose it was wonderfully designed.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made, created to thrive, not just survive. God says in His Word, "Now to Him who can [carry out His purpose and] superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us," delivers the release of fragrant aroma like peeling an orange awakens the senses for our enjoyment.
Suppose you are privileged to enjoy an orange today. May it remind you of your vibrancy, fragrance, and juicy deliciousness in the contrast of sweet and zesty with added sharp tartness as a reminder that faith is alive in you. Your invitation for gratitude calls you and delivers you far-reaching promises for potential.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!