Oft times, there are wins, countless victories that elevate the mood and give a reason to believe that all is well. It's human exuberance.
Go Big or go home! Sounds good in theory, although in reality, many are, burnt out and bewildered, wondering what it is all about. Whereas ordinarily, small and practical and settling for less become a severe threat to the individual. Had the majority fallen victim to the dog-eat-dog mentality of existence - forgetting to breathe and missing out on the unexpected highlights that reveal?
People who remember their actual wins (those with meaning and long-lasting effectual outcomes) can pinpoint the moment.
Are we so quickly conditioned for a life of constantly pushing the limit to get to the end? If you only realized that you would never get it done as the next best thing was yesterday, there is nothing new under the sun, and the end arrives suddenly for everyone. Will you choose to relax4now, dream big, and enjoy the moment? Cheer up; you're exactly where you had meant to be—learning, discovering, pausing, evaluating - weighing the balance of your life.
Being too caught up in the cobweb of perceived acceptability is a limiting belief to be contained in common sense and viewed from honorable intentions. Else you risk losing your awareness of the folly of the world. Being desensitized to your surroundings is a miserable life.
A few years ago, I enjoyed the company of a man on a busy, bustling city street. He offered an upright suitcase for me to sit on as he said it would be more comfortable than squatting on the ground. Time stood still, and we engaged in meaningful conversation as the world around us continued pushing, shoving, rushing by, and ignorant of the life force of their existence. We, on the other hand, were deeply engaged as we laughed and cried together, two strangers; one had hope, and the other, well, I walked away with more gratitude that enriched my life. Serendipity arrived at an unexpected moment being present.
Let's back it up and take a closer look at why we do what we do. Is the fear of failure, the fear of missing out, the fear of missed opportunity?
When you step away from the norms and standards, and expectations of others, you immediately put a target on your back. People get annoyed when you do something different. An unwelcome interruption that says stop look and listen. It can be risky. Staying in the predictable comfort zone of keeping up is more acceptable. If one is in the midst of the hustle and moving higher, a conflict of interest ensues. Yet, better still arrives a moment of synergy between the two as the light illuminates the present, and the truth of the matter is made known, what matters most.
Never underestimate the power of now. Do not take for granted the ordinary course of your days; whatever you thought you settled for could be your most incredible insight into living a life of excellence.
With persistence, perseverance, and acceptance in a situation arrives a boost in mentality, a captivating of your mind, will, and emotions for the benefit of the whole, and even without. ( These are the mysteries of life) Selfish ambition had replaced with making a difference to others, thereby promoting your existence to valuable accountability. This holistic harmony sees growth and potential as a magnetic attraction for learning for life. An adventure of exploration not contained for the high achievers but instead available as a meaningful lifestyle attribute to each and all. It is more the inner attitude that reflects upon your present circumstance and how you interact with the world around you, as your subconscious mind will lead you to respond in kind.
Shall we become so fully occupied with what is next that in the process of being on trend, we lose our understanding to discern?
A long time ago, I stepped away from the road most traveled to the one lesser-known narrow path to stay grounded in humility and take a walk with wisdom. An ongoing relationship with infinity has been interesting, to say the least, a most studious application. The most rewarding as a continuous process refines like fire to deliver a far outstanding detail.
It is the simplest solution to the problem of why we need to stay grounded in the roots of our authenticity. Adding to the power of existence by being present, fully attuned to now so that whatever happens is happening in real-time.
Your life is eternal.