Inspire to optimize intention, inclusive of accepting the good, the bad, and the ugly days of reason.
Today I want you to understand the power of embracing the bad days. Acknowledgment brings with it a deeper appreciation for self and reaching for calm.
It understands your strengths and weaknesses, your personal needs. Compassion and kindness begin with you. Adequate sleep, rest, and play all have their part to play the tune that resonates true to you.
Highlights and lowlights bring reflection. The brightness of the light is sunshine and happiness; take note, staring into the sun can cause damage for an immediate response, (whereas basking in the glow is invigorating). The lowlight is diminishing, creating shadows of anxiety; under the shade is deep abiding contemplation. (as the fading light of day brings peace and calm and beckons rest for recovery) Each is in the offering of enlightening.
There is a beautiful contrast between light and dark. Without conflicting, somewhat choosing to settle into the uncomfortable. Hello, darkness, my old friend. Okay, I just had a Simon and Garfunkel moment, had to pause and have a sing-along. (That was fun) Resonating tunes reflect the disturbed times.
Do not be afraid to embrace the sound of silence. Or the sound of your voice singing loudly.Time to be sensitive to how you are feeling is giving life to your meaning.
It only takes one decision to make a difference to one, and to many.
All your days are beautiful, and whether they present that manner or not, each day is bringing information to contemplate. Aware, receptive, or subconsciously perfected for the ultimate reward. You're mindful absorbing, and each embrace will provide of a different kind.
Miserable, dismal, desperate are always on the offering for takers. There is a yearning to be free, calling you to the truth that sets you free.
I just remembered a letter my daughter once wrote. It brings me joy, and I am glad to find it to share with you all. Though, for privacy's sake, I only share the last line.
If ever in doubt of your voice, sing it opera! It makes me smile as this family favorite would always create magic moments. We can turn an ordinary preparation for anything into a quick impromptu musical.
It is often neglected and misunderstood how effortlessly easy it is to transfer negative to positive thinking. Although you may choose to wrap for a day, that's okay. Cocooned in your privacy hopefully brings clarity. You're getting reacquainted with sifting and sorting, retaining, or discarding. Appreciating that you are wonderfully made, and Every Thought My Choice is your engaging ability to make decisions. Hope embraces calm and possibility when taking responsibility, taking your gift of time, and nurturing it wisely.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!
#relax #inspire #optimize #compassion #kindness #love #mindset #wellbeing #gratitude #appreciation #silence #friend #SoundofSilence #Disturbed