Artificial Intelligence is all around us, beside us, and inside some of us, working for us or working against us.
So easily beset, effortlessly slipped into our periphery, heralding an era not yet experienced by many - though known, science fiction, t.v. Internet is continuously exposed.
The youngest children are primed since birth to respond and interact with artificial stimuli. They are advancing through stages and ages, stealing away, dulling, and numbing the part of them that is curious for the truth.
Constant invasion of all senses on overdrive pulled into a vortex of simulation, sucking the life and producing teenage zombies, conforming, like robots in an artificial space where human contact, face to face interactions become less and less every day.
Enticing their attention to mold, shape, manipulate. Turned upside-down, if everybody is doing it, does that make it okay?
Families are broken, separated within their environment, no longer gather at a table, instead dissected, disabled, and compromised. This separation in the home, no longer able to communicate effectively. Dumbed down, numbed up, addiction creation from birth, escalating, infiltrating. STOP!
Drugged up children from very young, dosed up to quiet and settle agitation and frustration, conflicted, confused minds deteriorating over time.
Fathers and mothers losing the battle, growing weak, silenced, lulled into sleep. Advancing should not signify the family structure demolished or take away the vital role of nurturing, guiding, loving, and cherishing.
It is here all around us; there is no turning back, yet while you still can choose to do, please always pick your best. While you can even make your own decisions, please make them wisely and consider long term consequences.
This world is not our home; we are all just passing through; eternity is only that, so decide what you will do.
How you respond and what you accept every day will one day be measured on judgment day. No one likes to hear that, yet it is the cold hard truth. Therefore keep short accounts, refresh, recharge, renew.
If you believe there is a God - you must believe there is a devil too. If you say you do not believe in either, you are already a liar as supernatural warfare transpired, more prevalent every day. It's time to have a representative, and ambassador if you may, to stand up for what is right and good, no matter how little you begin for all the little will make a difference in the end.
God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you. Be not surprised at all the happenings, for it only means it's prime time to separate the wheat from the chaff! The lines are being drawn, no more compromise, sanctification, no sanctimonious depravity.
Investigate, stay curious, ask better questions if you do not understand, learn and grow. Invest in things that matter most, moving you forward as you trust your intuition. The niggle for your attention to choose to do what's right without detention. You have the freedom to choose, maybe you will, maybe you won't, you are still unrestricted in your views.
Remember, relax, Dream Big!
#relax4nowdreambig #everythoughtmychoice #staycurious #choose #doright #family #children #choices #love #respect #cherish #sanctify #wisdom #understanding #discernment #eternity