I was born ready! Okay, settle down; your battle cry is making you feel all gun-ho at the moment, high on the scent of admiration, exaltation, and constant validation. Yet, are you ready when no one else is around?
Are you ready when things go wrong? Are you prepared when all hell breaks loose, and there is none other than you?
Being ready is similar to the anticipated outcome of an expectant end. At the ready, no matter what being aware and awake to all your internal and external resources. Thereby, you can be at the ready when called upon to think and respond with intuitive perception.
There will come a time in each life that we will answer the call of our real character. Without backup, without a cushion for a bounce-back, without feedback or certainty is the rare privileged opportunity of authenticity. A time when our true colors reveal who we are in adversity.
Many obstacles arrive in our lifetime, condensed as private or universal, people are searching for meaning. Afraid, cautious, alarmed, trying to fit in so as not to miss out. Following after empty, draining worldly pursuits left lonely and confused if asked to stand alone. Can you stand? Do you have a voice?
To be ready begins with humility as all that you are is all that I AM is revealing.
There is something intrinsically precious in the intimacy of privacy as communion extends from natural to supernatural. The untold riches of the universe reaching into your heart, extracting limitation so you may understand surrender as it breathes divine power for a purpose. Without this, uncontrolled emotions leave you feeling inexcusable, selfish, hardened, arrogant fools, believing a lie.
Our real courage comes from faith - that complete trust or confidence in something or someone. Faith in your tribe, spouse, and ability is not altogether bad, although it is not complete.
Things can be unreliable, and as for people, each character's complexity only intensifies the probability of restricted outcomes. Whereas faith in God, the creator of the Universe, believing in His Son, Jesus Christ, and being filled with the Holy Spirit is the most protected sanctuary for advancement. The foundation for the cover of family.
Knowing that you are not alone and regardless of the complicated situations that invade, you are continually being made ready, available, prepared, watchful!
As new information arrives, revealing the truth of outsiders' outcomes and decisions affects the majority. There has never been a more prevalent time than this to be ready - knowing what you have prepared.
*Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding! Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
Do not forsake her, and she will guard you; Love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is; Acquire wisdom; And with all your acquiring, get understanding.
Prize her, and she will exalt you; She will honor you if you embrace her. "She will place on your head a garland of grace; She will present you with a crown of beauty." - Proverbs 4:5-9
Remember, Relax, Dream Big, Stay Curious!
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