Is it the ability to apply what you have learned daily? We have all heard it before; three easy steps to get the best results! Seven daily habits to transform your life! Just do this one thing, and everything will change! Having access to the very best resources available, read about the most innovative ideas, listen to dynamic speakers, or paying top dollar to access the 'secrets of success' does not guarantee success. Fortunately, most people love to seek out change and are forever searching for the next best thing as there is always room for improvement. Yet, the inability to follow through holds them back from reaching their desired outcome. Staying curious will see you navigate toward your true north despite failures. Staying hopeful acknowledges you do not know everything; yet, everything you need to know will become available at the right timing.
Signing up for the latest body transformation program and having payments automatically deducted from your bank each week does not guarantee success. Going to one real estate seminar to learn about property options and talking about it does not ensure success. Building one profitable business does not guarantee success. Being an incredible athlete who has had previous wins does not guarantee future success. I am sure you get the picture, for we have all been there and done that or similar, with dire consequences.
Accountability is the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable. Considering the consequences of your actions or in-action is a prerequisite. No one in life ever achieved anything worth doing without it. So if you are truly serious about making significant changes in your life, then read on.
It would be best if you formed a daily habit of repetition. Repetition is no stranger to you, so, therefore, it is not impossible. It is the ability to have Application In Action, applying what you have learned and what you have heard daily. In doing so, you immerse yourself in it, allowing you to form the daily habit of repetition. Action precedes feeling; therefore, in doing, we will achieve our desired results. Achieve the optimal body by daily activity, become the dynamic business entrepreneur by daily action. Only you have the power to change direction. You can be challenged, encouraged, and inspired. However, the key that opens the door is your ability to take action.
Taking the time today to consider what you have been doing with your time will help you be accountable. If you can't follow through with things you tell yourself in private, you will create resistance in other areas also. Choose to create the life balance you desire by implementing a change initiative. Surround yourself with like-minded people that will assist you in moving forward to achieve your desired outcome. Bring out the best in yourself today by acting on a decision. Could you do it now? You are responsible for your life for your feelings, and you are responsible for every result you get.
Although I have challenges in my life, I have the most excellent wins in choosing ' Every Thought My Choice' for optimizing my day!
"Now that you know these things, you will be blessed ( happy and favored by God) if you put them into practice (and faithfully do them). ." John 13:17
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