Finding your greatest weakness isn't that difficult. The thing that you keep putting off and that you tell yourself repeatedly before the non-event is the answer.
Our excuses come in the disguise of significant decisions, optimal choices, or even the idea to wait! However, we soon can recognize the untruth, as a result, is feeling lousy, being anxious, and downright frustrated. The polar opposite is peace and calm when in alignment with divine viewpoint.
Believing your own negative volition toward your moral compass is detrimental to your mental and physical wellbeing. Therefore, choose life that you may live.
Being very present in the now allows you the availability to make the best decisions. Slowing your thoughts down and thinking about what is coming in and going out releases the simplicity of right-thinking.
It is time to renovate your mind and be taught the tools and strategies that optimize you with right- thinking. Making a daily commitment to experience true renewal as you choose to pursue a fresh mental attitude.
What do people say about you? Is your story the same as it was five years ago, ten years ago?
It is never too late to change the way you think. That's right; it is never too late.
I am not going to sugar coat it, as every great victory in life requires incredible courage—the determination to press on and keep focused on the result.
Remember when you were a child, and the prize of riding a bike meant freedom! Even though you fell off, you got back on the bike again and again and again; why?
For the prize of riding the bike, gaining freedom was way more excellent than the pain to endure and persevere.
With that in mind, choose today to realize your greatest dream and what comes with it. Having the power to control your thoughts avails much freedom to live the life you desire.
So today, allow your mind to breathe. Take the opportunity to develop your mental attitude.
"Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him (who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him, and who gratefully recognize the benefits that He has bestowed)." - 1 Corinthians 2:9