As expansive as the air that fills every cell in your body, so is gratitude for continuous wellbeing as a magnitude of thankfulness.
Lifes most valued asset is time, yet time well spent in appreciation is expanding capacity for happiness and promoting a profitable existence.
Every year we gather together our thoughts and intentions and wash them through a cycle of most valuable outcomes. We discover our meaningful connections and meaning of the most important things that allow growth and potential. We harvest the choicest crop of unique assets and nurture the neglected fruits for future yields of greater returns and learn to discard the weeds that choke.
We bring it together under the banner of gratitude for lessons learned, thankfulness for opportunities and greater appreciation for the simplicity of faith and trust in our ability to respond to the guardian of our soul—the Wisdom of nurture versus natural response. Our internal guidance system procures the most critical information to acknowledge and move us forward for more excellent benefits.
Herein, we are formulating an attractive provocative assessment for optimising. Inspiration revitalises our sense of purpose for deliberate vigilance against the foe of contention and replenishing the soul with contentment, and allowing mindfulness momentum to make haste amid responsibility for delivering a far greater grace for development.
So, regardless of how you think it, say it or act upon it, gratitude is the most deliberate act of kindness upon your intellect, ready to secure a foundation of happiness and long-term effects.
Relax4now, Dream Big!
Inspire Optimize Revitalize
🧡 Julie Rocca