Free will is your surplus of God-consciousness, your triple-A rating for success. Noticeable responsiveness is expected and unexplainable as interconnectedness reveals cognition through each decision. Our free will to choose is our unique ability to respond. Our Creator is no simulated demonstration for manipulating character. Our free will is our liberty to think and decide, as understanding invigorates to stimulate comprehensive outcomes.
Though no longer commonplace, common sense as learned behavior, although initially gained from an insightful combination of grace and truth, is propelled by faith—the loyalty reserved for the exemplary phenomenon of the incredible superclass experienced. You do not know what you do not yet know if you had only asked.
While you are capable of choosing, may your decisions line up with your true essence.
While we often hear said, "I am a good person," it loses credibility when conflicting with your mission—called to contribute, not control. Any good in anyone comes from the goodness of God. Without this, we would all be immoral minds floundering for a purpose controlled by external superficial protagonists.
A leadership mentality takes responsibility, where doing what is right replaces being good to please people for the sake of pleasing.
The right thing done in the right way shows the exceptional opportunity for growth, value, and optimal outcomes.
When you understand that all your human good and efforts alone are no replacement for justice, freedom, liberty, and truth under God, you will live life more abundantly.
To summarise my intent, be mindful of all the information you absorb and be clear on what you believe to be true. As to go forward without resolution is being lost in confusion. There are brilliant opportunities for awareness as the diligence in determination will not falter at the crossroads. Instead, with high hopes and dreams of possibilities, they may choose a path to victory.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!