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Writer's pictureJulie Rocca

Acclamation, Commendation, Standing Ovation!

What has brought you to your feet enthusiastically? The presence of greatness in your midst, or maybe the winning goal that excelled your wildest dreams of your favorite team? An encore of an esteemed artist or knowing lockdown restrictions have eased? Getting our attention is easy once something is impressed upon us.

Without the impression of constant daily intake of all vital to our experience of the best life, we will suffer severe consequences. Not looking after our physical health, neglecting our mental health, and ignoring our spiritual health. Disregarding what we look at and listen to daily can disturb our optimal results.

There is a beautiful attribute that accompanies desired results, and that is the expression of praise. Therefore, enabling you to continue on the journey as your attention has been maximized.

Taking deliberate action concerning our wellbeing will encourage efforts worthy of praise. Just as an outstanding athlete achieves a tremendous win, so too may we experience excellent results in life when we can adjust our thinking.

When our thinking is in unity with our activity, we can expect to be better equipped to turn obstacles into opportunities.

Not one of us is immune to the unexpected occurrences that invade us without warning. However, learning to establish an excellent mindset, forming habits that increase mental attitude changes our perception.

Transformation of language will incur a cost. The time it takes to make deliberate action to encounter change. Learned behavior starts with an internal dialogue that expresses itself through our external response.

Choose to acknowledge your thoughts by keeping that which serves you well and deleting that which does not.

Your mind is your greatest asset; be careful how you think, how you believe shapes your life. Choose Every Thought My Choice as your trigger to success.

Remember, relax, stay curious, and Dream Big!

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