Keep Your Heart Clear and
Calm, relaxed, clear, aware, go together like first rain on parched land - a perfect match that stimulates growth for meaning.
The natural response to the harsh reality can feel like torrential rain with unfinished business, leading to unexpected flooding, taking with it anything in the way as a destructive force.
How is it possible, in the depth of uncertainty, to access the superpower that is calm?
Your keen eye for detail allowed you to extract all the negative consequences of the thought that introduced fear. Fast track a slippery slide of deception that pulls away from the solution and possibility.
So quickly and effortlessly is impressed upon the mind the details of life that weigh down, that if not becoming disciplined in the practice of understanding can snatch from you your very essence.
Every Thought My Choice is your intention in a moment to willfully make a connection with your heart by your deeper mindfulness of being present. It does not matter the unrest inside or out, for the majestic response to thought is no longer a mystery.
What grey matter has uncovered in time is the untapped potential of perfect design. Our brain is the thinking heart, and our thoughts perceived and believed bring incredible changes upon the mind; in turn, as a man thinks, so is he.
Even if you bypass intention, there is something far more profound than alters perception at the choice, and that is the wonder-working power of God. Overruling, outsourcing, and triumphant execution deliver resolve in time.
Yet, while we are still breathing, we have a responsibility as we can choose choices that begin with how we choose to think.
Next time you're in a shackle of mistrust, anxiety, or suspicion, turn on the light, and you will see.
Once you've mastered calm, you will be the light.
Sometime today, without a doubt, will become available, a real-life lesson attainable.
Do not allow pride to project you; instead, with ease like the change of a breeze, you can turn the light on, and absence becomes the dark.
Negative thinking brings pessimism of conformity that heightens anxiety and stress. Altering your trajectory of feeling begins as soon as you decide. The incredible vision of the power of decision resides. Calm, relaxed, breathing - sincerely received in gratitude and respect, expelled for exhilaration. You don't need to be a victim of uncertainty. Instead, you can access wisdom from above and not beneath. Rise higher with your thinking is like looking up, not down, and even in activities such as this is giving you considerable momentum to move you forward in the right direction.
Remember, Relax, Dream Big!