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Every Thought My Choice

Naturally Curious 

Harmonize your intention for wellbeing with a clear mindset.  Discovering optimal ways to live a life of excellence.  With over thirty years of experience to enrich, enhance, add value and create meaningful connections.  We will adventure together becoming optimal thinkers who create outstanding results!

Author of Every Thought My Choice

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Jewels from Jules

You found this love, this love that feels so right and where you fit so perfectly. There is an ease and comfort that arrived at...

Jewels from Jules

My two youngest daughters are off on an adventure of their own. Though only away for a few days, their planning and execution had...

Jewels from Jules

Great is our mental strength when long overdue for comfort and ease as the restless spirit discerned had released from the prison of...

Jewels from Jules

Something increasingly valuable about change is the outcome of the unexpected. As if by design, has the familiar conclusion eliminated...

Jewels from Jules

Have faith in the plan life has prepared for you. Avoid complaining and embrace gratitude as you become an observer of an excellent...

Jewels from Jules

The best things in life are free. You already have all that you need now; all that you enjoy in living your best life is not complex or...

Triumphant Outcomes

The planets align - Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn; heads turn to the sky and look for signs and wonders. A phenomenal arrangement...

Review your View

Accountability takes issues and turns them into learning. When you grow in maturity, you grow out of obscure development. Instead, you...

Pause for Effect!

You are the main character in your story, yet without the appropriate pauses, there are not spectacular enough outcomes for a thriller....


Faith, what is it? Where does it come from, and who supplies it? Every day without knowing it, people unwittingly practice the "art of...

Reset Intention

It might just be that time, any later, could be the noticeable distinction. Up until now, all has been leading you to make a decision....

Brainstorm then and now

'Brainstorm' originally meant a fit of temporary insanity—a definition still in our dictionary today. Some gather in groups to confer...


Do you recognise the earth's groaning under the weight of offence? This umbrella of guilt, corruption and dishonesty. Closer now than...

Grace Abounds

Every thought becomes a decision—a choice of internalisation or outward voiced application. Speaking in mindfulness differs from an...

Simple, Honest, Real.

A straightforward, sincere, honest approach to your lifestyle choices will create the life balance you desire. There is no more...

Caution to the Wind

Signalling to the Universe, you're interested, like throwing caution to the wind. Some suggest you best be facing the right direction,...

Activate Intention

Suddenly you wake up, intuitive response to sounds not familiar. You are moved with adrenaline as all your senses had interconnected for...

Focused Burst

Never forget why as then the how-to will be all the more efficient. Maybe you were all gun-ho about a new way of living, excited about...

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