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Every Thought My Choice


Naturally Curious 


Harmonize your intention for wellbeing with a clear mindset.  Discovering optimal ways to live a life of excellence.  With over thirty years of experience to enrich, enhance, add value and create meaningful connections.  We will adventure together becoming optimal thinkers who create outstanding results!

Author of Every Thought My Choice

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Promotion in Commotion

Love and Light expose Facebook stalkers, internet trawlers, private wannabe detectives, fault finders, naysayers, dream killers....

Make Today Happy!

From the moment I opened my eyes, I knew it was going to be a good day. Last night I fell asleep to the beautiful sound of silence,...

Hear Me Roar! if you dare

What is my responsibility? I hear you and reply, that's up to you to figure out. Rather than be empty of questioning, blindly captivated...

Are Procrastinators Secret Innovators?

Extreme effort is displayed in monumental scope as though forged from innovative overflow. What could it be that captures the essence of...


Have the vision to see beyond the ordinary, do you have the fire in your belly to passionately pursue your goals? Where does that fire...

Running On Empty?

If you want to find your enthusiasm, all it takes is being present. Probably too evident for anyone who likes to take things with an...

Firm Foundations

Somewhere, sometime, you have most likely witnessed the process of a build. The most crucial part of any building is the foundations. ...


Today is going to be a perfect day. When you look back, you will realize you have been doing your best, and you are moving forward,...

Reflect Upon Your Blessings!

Every choice you make today and every day ultimately must have a purpose to move you forward in the direction of your goals and dreams....

Fresh Start!

Every day you wake up, breathing is an opportunity to move forward, to start again. If you messed up yesterday, you could decide to...

It's Not That Complicated

Today we have a trillion choices wherever we look. No wonder people are becoming confused and even anxious when confronted with daily...

Find Your Joy and Run With It!

Have you noticed recently in your day to day activity how much you are influenced by what is around you? It is an instantaneous reaction...

Fast Forward to Fist Pound

Have you been surrounded by those you love who compassionately remind you of your rightful position and praise you accordingly? Or do you...

Awake Out of Sleep!

Creating momentum to keep going when others are floundering around you is possible. There is nothing more potent than discomfort. The...

Peace And Tranquility

The simplicity of a quiet perspective can be the clarity you need to receive the answers you seek. Unfortunately, some suffer causes of...

Appropriate Your Importance

When it comes to time, you can not make more time, although you can make the most of your time. We can tell a lot about a person by what...

Clarify Your Intentions

As we go about our daily activities, we soon conclude that we all have different intentions—our inclusive ideals with pleasing outcomes...

Before You Give Up, Look Up!

It is all too easy to become a victim when you have encountered set back after set back. You may feel inclined to drag yourself around,...

Brave And Audacious

Relationships that create the next generation have compromised within a throwaway attitude. All the more distorted, discontinued as...

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