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Every Thought My Choice


Naturally Curious 


Harmonize your intention for wellbeing with a clear mindset.  Discovering optimal ways to live a life of excellence.  With over thirty years of experience to enrich, enhance, add value and create meaningful connections.  We will adventure together becoming optimal thinkers who create outstanding results!

Author of Every Thought My Choice

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Choice and Precious

"Come to Him (the risen Lord) as to a living Stone which men rejected and threw away, but which is choice and precious in the sight of...

One Hundred Smiles

One door closes, and another door opens - so you hear said. One slight shift in your thinking can change the direction you are going,...


Sincerely, your dreams. It may have been not long ago that you had decided to revisit the treasure box of history and perceived the...

You Are Alive!

Becoming excited and enthusiastic about the direction you are going is the joy extended when you actively follow the lead of your...


Who had you at hello? Be careful what you listen to, be careful what you hear. Each one can imagine in their unique way. So unless you...

Funny Face - You've Got This!

I love your funny face, the one you always make when you first see yourself in the mirror. As if it is the first time and you're taken...

Be Happy.....It Drives People Crazy!

Halfway into your day or first point of contact and you can't shake off the nuances of negativity that invade. To add to irritation is...

Power of the Weak

Feeling weak and vulnerable like you will faint? If things continue as they are, how will you survive? Desperate to make sense of it all,...

Simply Perfect!

One of the greatest frustrations of man is keeping up appearances, competing, and comparison. Trying so hard to fit in and not miss out,...

Spit out the Pips and Go, Go, GO!

Chew the meat and spit out the bones or eat your watermelon and spit the pips! Whatever you are feasting on, I hope it is sound...

Faith is Alive

One rotten piece of fruit in the basket does not warrant the rest as void. One bruised and moldy piece of fruit does not determine the...

Uncharted Territory

Exploration is a fascinating adventure involving risk and curiosity. Uncertainty is the dose of reality that keeps you stimulated while...

Abrupt Circumstances, Now What?

Yesterday you were mapping out your life plan together, and today your life looks unrecognizable. We all have a story, and the stories...

Hidden Treasure

Within each one of us is hidden a treasure so very precious, there before the beginning of time. The origin of possibility, waiting to be...

Staying In Credit

Every deposit into your family's emotional bank account is a deposit into emotional prosperity. Without conscious effort and daily...

Mountains Move with Momentum

The seasons are changing, yet there is not much rearranging except for revisiting old thinking thoughts that will devalue present...


Please be mindful of your mindset, your prized and valuable asset of how you choose to think. Will you be more becoming of using an...

High notes, low notes, Always a Beautiful Song

Hands-on, you are not alone, as every high note and every low note is always creating a beautiful song. Look around, different faces,...

Fear begins the Spin

What's worse, fear of being found out to be a fraud or fear of rejection? Either is irrelevant as fear in itself is the show and tell of...

Every Thought My Choice

Time to be happy; I am so glad you found me, pleased as a zebra having a dust bath! On your list of priorities, where do you place your...

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