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Every Thought My Choice


Naturally Curious 


Harmonize your intention for wellbeing with a clear mindset.  Discovering optimal ways to live a life of excellence.  With over thirty years of experience to enrich, enhance, add value and create meaningful connections.  We will adventure together becoming optimal thinkers who create outstanding results!

Author of Every Thought My Choice

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Staying In Credit

Every deposit into your family's emotional bank account is a deposit into emotional prosperity. Without conscious effort and daily...

Mountains Move with Momentum

The seasons are changing, yet there is not much rearranging except for revisiting old thinking thoughts that will devalue present...

Fear begins the Spin

What's worse, fear of being found out to be a fraud or fear of rejection? Either is irrelevant as fear in itself is the show and tell of...

Choose Your Voice

Hello, here you are today, considering your purpose. Are you wandering through life without much thought or intent, allowing life to...

Harmonize your Intention

Is the time spent with the ones you love a sweet communion of souls (harmony, meaningful connection), or does it resemble a tipping point...

Put Your Best Self Forward

Deciding at the very beginning to give your very best is a strategy that gives you the stamina to accelerate and finish strong. Can you...

Running On Empty?

If you want to find your enthusiasm, all it takes is being present. Probably too evident for anyone who likes to take things with an...

It's Not That Complicated

Today we have a trillion choices wherever we look. No wonder people are becoming confused and even anxious when confronted with daily...

Persist in Your Perception

Every day is the opportunity to pursue excellence. Concluding that if you want something to be different, that you must do things...

Feel The Love Some More!

Now that you have a handle on becoming a much better version of yourself. No comparison to the strong man doing a power squat! It is...

Awake Out of Sleep!

Creating momentum to keep going when others are floundering around you is possible. There is nothing more potent than discomfort. The...

Before You Give Up, Look Up!

It is all too easy to become a victim when you have encountered set back after set back. You may feel inclined to drag yourself around,...

Mere breath

When King Solomon concluded, "vanity, vanity, all is vanity," do you suppose he knew how far he would reach his pros. Our life today...

Impartial and sincere

Self-awareness is a vital part of creating your best life. Understanding who you are and why you are in the monumental foundation of...

Momentum of creative flow

Every day without knowing it, we express the essence of who we are, continually emanating energy that restricts or expands our ultimate...

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