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Every Thought My Choice


Naturally Curious 


Harmonize your intention for wellbeing with a clear mindset.  Discovering optimal ways to live a life of excellence.  With over thirty years of experience to enrich, enhance, add value and create meaningful connections.  We will adventure together becoming optimal thinkers who create outstanding results!

Author of Every Thought My Choice

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Embrace For Calm

Inspire to optimize intention, inclusive of accepting the good, the bad, and the ugly days of reason. Today I want you to understand the...

Funny Face - You've Got This!

I love your funny face, the one you always make when you first see yourself in the mirror. As if it is the first time and you're taken...

Simply Perfect!

One of the greatest frustrations of man is keeping up appearances, competing, and comparison. Trying so hard to fit in and not miss out,...

Spit out the Pips and Go, Go, GO!

Chew the meat and spit out the bones or eat your watermelon and spit the pips! Whatever you are feasting on, I hope it is sound...

He Overturned the Tables

Provoking you to excellence - turn the tables upside down on the inner conflict. What if the only means of communicating doctrine was...

I Am What I Am, by His Grace I AM

Who am I? To whom are you asking this profound pertaining question? What am I? Are you deep diving into more than superficial...

Abrupt Circumstances, Now What?

Yesterday you were mapping out your life plan together, and today your life looks unrecognizable. We all have a story, and the stories...

Hidden Treasure

Within each one of us is hidden a treasure so very precious, there before the beginning of time. The origin of possibility, waiting to be...

Decisive Action!

Some people say it takes six weeks to form a habit; however, it will take a lifetime to perfect it, if ever. We are all a magnificent...


Please be mindful of your mindset, your prized and valuable asset of how you choose to think. Will you be more becoming of using an...

Fear begins the Spin

What's worse, fear of being found out to be a fraud or fear of rejection? Either is irrelevant as fear in itself is the show and tell of...

Promotion in Commotion

Love and Light expose Facebook stalkers, internet trawlers, private wannabe detectives, fault finders, naysayers, dream killers....

Choose Your Voice

Hello, here you are today, considering your purpose. Are you wandering through life without much thought or intent, allowing life to...

Harmonize your Intention

Is the time spent with the ones you love a sweet communion of souls (harmony, meaningful connection), or does it resemble a tipping point...


Keep Your Heart Clear and YOUR MIND AT PEACE Calm, relaxed, clear, aware, go together like first rain on parched land - a perfect match...

Flash Point - Recourse for the Resource

There is nothing new under the sun, and there is nothing seen that has not been. There is so much more than being in the rat race....


When you come to realize that all things are possible for those who ask, you can enter a place where determination leads. Are you living...

Are Procrastinators Secret Innovators?

Extreme effort is displayed in monumental scope as though forged from innovative overflow. What could it be that captures the essence of...

How to Navigate Uncertainty

How do you navigate uncertainty when the things you rely upon no longer exist? So many changes for so many people every day. ...

It's Not That Complicated

Today we have a trillion choices wherever we look. No wonder people are becoming confused and even anxious when confronted with daily...

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