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Every Thought My Choice


Naturally Curious 


Harmonize your intention for wellbeing with a clear mindset.  Discovering optimal ways to live a life of excellence.  With over thirty years of experience to enrich, enhance, add value and create meaningful connections.  We will adventure together becoming optimal thinkers who create outstanding results!

Author of Every Thought My Choice

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Loyalty is a Lifestyle

Faithfulness in the little things is like a superior motivation invested in your character. A timelessness that promotes excellence and...

Dream a Little Dream

Time to be inspired, optimized, and revitalized regardless of where you are in your life. There is always now, somewhere in your day,...

We Are Going Deep

I recall my brother sharing his experience of spearfishing. Being the adventurer and risk-taker, it was no surprise he would tackle...

Uplift For Scope

Across the spectrum of all good books is the truth of understanding to another, on a level of service that connects one human to another...

Embrace Mistakes And Grow

A vibrant flower in a lush garden is displaying all the wonder of creation in a thriving environment. You too can flourish in such an...

Flex Your Mental Muscles

Curious responsiveness resonates with affirmative cooperation with your core, like switching on the light in a dark room to reveal a...

Respect Your Nervous System

Relax, love, and respect your nervous system. What's going on inside you when you choose to relax. All the secrets, miraculous occurring...

Charge Your Intent

Authenticity believes in the innate support of your immune system; use the idea of feeling good next time you're heading into feeling...

In A Blink

Seconds to decide and take action. Would you be ready? Could you, in a blink, make the most vital, crucial decision to save your life?...

Simplicity to Strength

Plain and clear are our partnerships. We know intrinsically who we are, why we do and what we believe. With the fundamentals of...

To the Pure All things are Pure

Being set apart from a world of evil ( harm, damage, worry, sin, guilt ) takes a mindset of an individual's character (identity). ...

Conserve Your Energy

Calm, relaxed, with the internalization of perception that promotes rest for restoration, making ready to burst forth energized when...

Cautiously Confident

You could while away the hours and painstakingly review the daily disasters, evident or impending. Or you may remain cautiously...

Divine Distribution

Is there more than enough for everyone? Is there an abundance available that all can have access to? Now, if you have experienced lack,...

Addiction by Design

All is fine. Only a thief voluntarily invited every day can run free without restraint. They are exploiting the ability to focus or...


After an extended drought, many embrace a keen interest looking for any hope of rain. After waiting, one may judge who chose to dance,...

Outgrow your former self

Within each of us is an unrelenting determination to seek joy. (I mean the type that surpasses circumstance and stays rock-solid as peace...

Nothing Is Impossible

There is no sense in unrealistic expectations of harsh contrasts; critical thinking will appreciate the art of preference. Hold on...

One Way or another

Destination unknown sounds intriguing, mysterious even. The road less traveled is unwinding and revealing exquisite details that cannot...

Come fly with me

While you are still dreaming of your next great adventure, relax while I share my inspiration. Leaning back into the comfort of the...

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